Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations, written by Nancy Duarte, is a comprehensive guide to presentation design. Similar to Garr Reynolds of Presentation Zen, Nancy advocates a more visual approach to slide creation – a “new slide ideology” as she calls it. Nancy shares several design tips from her extensive design experience working with large high tech companies and high-profile projects such as the “Inconvenient Truth” presentation she designed for Al Gore. Continue reading “Book Review: Slide:ology”
Apr 16 2009
Free Ninja Clip Art for Your PowerPoint Slides
I didn’t comment on another key deficiency in PowerPoint 2007 in my recent “Missing-in-Upgrade” article, but there are only two clip art images that are ninja-related in PowerPoint 2007 (below) — and they’re lame. As the PowerPoint Ninja, I wanted to make sure that this problem is rectified.
![Lame ninja clip art in MS Office sdfsdf](
Is the ninja on the left wearing a hooded Snuggie and a man purse? Maybe someone spilled his bowl of Cheetos while he was lounging on the couch in front of the TV and now he's out for blood...or he's just a nerd-ninja.
Continue reading “Free Ninja Clip Art for Your PowerPoint Slides”
Apr 13 2009
PowerPoint and the Elusive Color Picker / Eye Dropper
![eyedropper_ppt An eye dropper tool should be baked into PowerPoint](
An eye dropper tool should be baked into PowerPoint
If you’ve used drawing or photo editing applications such as Illustrator or Photoshop, you will be familiar with their color picker or eye dropper tools, which enable you to extract a color from an image so the same color can be added to other objects. I wish PowerPoint offered this same functionality, but alas it doesn’t. Luckily, there are many outside color picker apps that can be leveraged in conjunction with PowerPoint. Continue reading “PowerPoint and the Elusive Color Picker / Eye Dropper”
Apr 07 2009
Attack of the Bad Presenters! Part II
In my previous article, I discussed how we encounter several different types of bad presenters. I covered the first five presenter types in Part I, and now I’m going to profile the next five naughty presenters. As I mentioned in the last article, conduct a little self-evaluation and survey of your peers to ensure you don’t fall into one of these “bad presenter” types. Continue reading “Attack of the Bad Presenters! Part II”
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