Oct 28 2009

Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations

(c) Scott Adams

(c) Scott Adams

Over the years I’ve collected a bunch of Dilbert cartoons related to PowerPoint and business presentations. I thought I’d create the ultimate Dilbert tribute to PowerPoint presentations. Please send me any others that I’ve missed. I’ll start with my top ten, and provide the rest in no particular order. Enjoy!

1. PowerPoint Disability


2. PowerPoint Zone


3. Presentation Ego


4. Co-worker Feedback


5. Copy of Presentation


6. Q & A


7. Glass Half Full


8. PowerPoint Poisoning


9. Enough Slides


10. Strategic Slides


Boring Presentation


Pie Chart


Accurate Data


One Slide Presentation


PowerPoint Terrorists


Inhuman Slides


Useful Information


Presentation Reuse


Reading Slides


Presentation Manners


Appropriate Images


Audience Members


Audience Required


Parallel Career


PowerPoint and Praying


Want more Dilbert? Get Dilbert 2.0 on Amazon.

Want more Dilbert? Get Dilbert 2.0 on Amazon.

If you made it this far down the page, you’re obviously a diehard Dilbert fan. You might want to consider picking up Dilbert 2.0, which captures a lot of Scott Adams’ greatest Dilbert comics. I know it’s on my Christmas wish list this year.

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38 Responses to “Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations”

  1. Traxxas says:

    Dilbert is great…. wouldn’t be a complete Sunday if i couldn’t open the paper and read about this lovable office employee! SO much truth in these comics!

  2. Vivek Singh says:

    Hilarious stuff Brent!
    Great that you have collected it over the years…

    It aptly summarises the state of PowerPoint presentations in this world.

  3. Andy says:

    Great stuff! Thanks for compiling these hilarious comics. Keep up the great posts!

    MSFT Office Outreach Team

  4. Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations | PowerPoint Ninja « PPT Converter says:

    […] the original here: Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations | PowerPoint Ninja Tags: a-limited-time, bew-add-in, developed-exclusively, dilbert, open-for, program-manager, […]

  5. Bruce Gabrielle says:

    Brilliant Brent! Forwarded to my LinkedIn groups!

  6. Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón says:

    Really funny (and insightful)! Dilbert rulez!

  7. John Fallon says:

    Great stuff!!! I’m going to forward to my faculty!

  8. Denis François Gravel says:

    Thanks for that compilation. It’s so true!

  9. Jon Suiter says:

    I’d like my boss to read this. Do you have this available for download in a powerpoint file?

  10. pptninja says:

    I wanted to be careful about copyright issues so I’ve stuck with just embedded links from Dilbert.com.

  11. The Six Minutes Challenge « The Effective Marketer says:

    […] Six Minutes Challenge Presentations can be boring. Yes, I believe you are nodding as you read this. You have sat through your fair share of hour-long […]

  12. Public Speaking Tips and Techniques [2009-12-05] says:

    […] Dykes compiled a fantastic collection of Dilbert & PowerPoint comics. You’ll have to click through to […]

  13. Julia Altermann says:

    Speaking from past experience, too many of those comic strips actually depict the truth…but I still had a couple of good laughs 😉

  14. links for 2009-12-07 : The ChipCast || by Chip Mahaney says:

    […] Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations | PowerPoint Ninja (tags: Business powerpoint Dilbert funny) […]

  15. Indresh says:

    i will make a ppt of this!

  16. David Hopkins says:

    Excellent, gotta love it!

  17. Stephanie says:

    As someone who produces powerpoint ALL DAY… this is great. Love the “one long bullet point”.

  18. Johnny` says:

    If people pour all of their self-esteem into PowerPoint presentations, why don’t they proofread them more carefully? I’ve paid money for continuing education seminars where I wanted to hand the printouts back with all of the errors circled in red pen.

  19. Shamblesguru says:

    Would appreciate knowing what the licensing restrictions are on the use of these images.
    I’m an educator .. can I use them in presentations I give to teachers?
    … ’cause I’d like to use them .. brilliant

  20. dana says:

    My definition of hell for years: cold, itchy and forced to watch PowerPoint slides in 2 pt type in a darkened room for eternity

  21. links for 2010-03-05 « Where is my towel? says:

    […] Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations | PowerPoint Ninja *lach* (tags: dilbert cartoons humor powerpoint presentations how2) […]

  22. PRESENTability · Dilbert fun about PowerPoint Presentation says:

    […] If you want more, you can see the entire collection on PowerPoint Ninja post. […]

  23. Gefunden März/April 2010 | Chillerstadt-Blog says:

    […] Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations […]

  24. Don’t Blame Powerpoint « Marketing Guy 2.01 says:

    […] have wasted many an hour. They have been deservedly criticized by commentators ranging from Dilbert to Seth […]

  25. John says:

    You are missing the one were Dilbert is describing a comic included in his presentation. But no one gets the comic, and its not funny (I don’t recall the specifics).

  26. pptninja says:

    I don’t recall that one. If anyone knows about this one, please send me a link to it and I’ll definitely add it.

  27. Martin says:

    Although this is from 1998 and you can actually see an OVERHEAD PROJECTOR in the last frame, its lesson is very Powerpoint-appropriate: http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/1998-01-10/

  28. Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations | kolaganti.com says:

    […] Found this great collection on powerpointninja.com. […]

  29. Bill Marley says:

    Those were all pretty funny. They made my night a little better just giggling at them.

  30. COMICally Bad PowerPoint « Desiree's says:

    […] Ninja, the online “Master of the Presentation,” has graciously gathered a collection of the best horrible PowerPoint presentations from the Dilbert Universe. These comic strips depict horrible presentations that leave their audiences literally asleep in […]

  31. Carol Smith says:

    These are really good examples of what could go wrong with using powerpoints for everything. It’s better to mix it up a little. Great laughs though, sure made my day.

  32. Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations | PowerPoint Ninja | Chipcinnati says:

    […] Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations | PowerPoint Ninja […]

  33. Sahil Kotak says:

    Hilarious!! Great collection you’ve here!

    Thanks for sharing, forwarding this to my friends now. :)

  34. Another PowerPoint? | “In Gear Employee Blog” says:

    […] Raise your hand If you’ve ever been bored senseless by a PowerPoint presentation. Looks like everyone except the guy passed out at his desk. And his glazed eyes clearly indicate PowerPoint poisoning. […]

  35. Dilbert and PowerPoint Presentations – Bengt's Notes says:

    […] at PowerPointNinja is Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations, a collection of Dilbert cartoons that deals with PowerPoint and presentations. It’s an […]

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