For those of you who know me as the PowerPoint Ninja from this blog, you may be surprised (or disappointed) to learn that my recently published book isn’t about PowerPoint or business presentations. In my day job, I work in consulting at Adobe (which acquired Omniture in 2009). Last December, I published my first book, Web Analytics Action Hero
, which focuses on how web analysts and digital marketers can leverage analysis to optimize their online business and become action heroes within their organizations (if that sounds exciting — learn more here). Continue reading “Introducing My New Book”
Feb 03 2012
Introducing My New Book
Oct 28 2009
Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations
Over the years I’ve collected a bunch of Dilbert cartoons related to PowerPoint and business presentations. I thought I’d create the ultimate Dilbert tribute to PowerPoint presentations. Please send me any others that I’ve missed. I’ll start with my top ten, and provide the rest in no particular order. Enjoy! Continue reading “Dilbert on PowerPoint Presentations”
Aug 31 2009 — First Year Blogiversary!
It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since my very first article in which I compared PowerPoint presentations to sushi. Since then I churned out sixty-five more articles over the course of several late nights and weekends (no more Xbox Live). I’ve enjoyed blogging a lot and look forward to adding more articles in the future as long as my wife and kids allow me to. Continue reading “ — First Year Blogiversary!”
Apr 16 2009
Free Ninja Clip Art for Your PowerPoint Slides
I didn’t comment on another key deficiency in PowerPoint 2007 in my recent “Missing-in-Upgrade” article, but there are only two clip art images that are ninja-related in PowerPoint 2007 (below) — and they’re lame. As the PowerPoint Ninja, I wanted to make sure that this problem is rectified.

Is the ninja on the left wearing a hooded Snuggie and a man purse? Maybe someone spilled his bowl of Cheetos while he was lounging on the couch in front of the TV and now he's out for blood...or he's just a nerd-ninja.
Continue reading “Free Ninja Clip Art for Your PowerPoint Slides”
Mar 31 2009
A Humble Collection of PowerPoint Quotes
When I recently needed a few quotes mentioning PowerPoint, I wasn’t able to find many very easily. As a result, I thought I would share some of the interesting PowerPoint quotes I found from various presentation experts, academia, business, and TV/movies.
Over time I will be adding more quotes to this post. Please send me any good PowerPoint quotes that you have so I can add them to this collection. Continue reading “A Humble Collection of PowerPoint Quotes”